Stay out line
Anthony from United States  [4 posts]
13 year
Hi guys, has anyone sucessfully completed the stay out line as I'm having wicked problems trying to get the module to work. The motor variables stay in neutral (128) the whole time. I've tried putting the tape on the different surfaces as well as different colored surfaces but this did nothing for me. I'd be very grateful for any steering in the right direction. I have the program included.

Thanks guys,
Anonymous 13 year

Much more relevant to this issue is what image your camera is seeing. The tutorial probably uses a camera that is very different from the one you are using. Having that image would allow us to better tweak the modules to get yours to work ... can you include a couple images here?

Anthony from United States  [4 posts] 13 year
Hi Steven,

Thanks for your reply. I'm using a trust WB-3320X webcam. The images below are snap shots of black tape on white paper. I tried tweaking with the blob filter for hours but the problem still persists. Id be grateful for any knowledge you may have.

Kind Regards,
Anthony from United States  [4 posts] 13 year
Hi Steven,

Thanks for your reply. I'm using a trust WB-3320X webcam. The images below are snap shots of black tape on white paper. I tried tweaking with the blob filter for hours but the problem still persists. Id be grateful for any knowledge you may have.

Kind Regards,
Anonymous 13 year

The images look fine ... having the actual raw RGB images would have been helpful for testing but the results are would be as expected.

If you find that your roomba is not working them you probably do not have that configured in the right way. Did you check the roomba movement with the sliders in that module? Or are you not getting any movement from those either? If so, check your COM port setting and wiring to the Roomba.

Also, what Roomba version do you have? Not all of them are programmable.

Anthony from United States  [4 posts] 13 year
Hi Steven,

I haven't yet connected it serially to any robot. I'm just wondering now is this the reason the motor variables are staying in neutral? Should the motor variables not move up and down when it's not connected to any robot or? I'm trying to get a proof of concept for a school project and a video with the motor variables moving up and down without it connected to any robot would do for the time being.

I plan on using a segway as the robot. The plan is that I send the motor variables down onto a baseboard that is connected to the motors of the segway which in turn will hopefully drive the motors. Your guidance is very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Anonymous 13 year

Ok, that makes sense. You may want to disable the Roomba module if it is not connected (select the module, press the disable button) which will avoid and issues with that.

Then use the Display_Variables module to display the two servo/motor values on the image. Then by moving the camera around the line you should see those values change.

If you do not, can you attach two original (raw unprocessed RGB images) and we can take a look at to why they may not be changing.

Since the Roomba module would not be connected to the robot the motor 'sliders' in that interface will probably not move thus the reason to show that text on the image instead.

Anthony from United States  [4 posts] 13 year
Hi Steven,

Thanks so much for your help, that did the job. I'll post up a video here when I have it working on the segway. your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks once again.


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