5047 threads
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I'm trying to get the Hauppauge PVR-150, which is a very popular card, to work with RoboRealm, but nothing's showing o...
17 year 7 4299
Saving Images - compression
Hello, When I save images using  RR there seems to...
17 year 7 1714
How to run two copies of roborealm.
I am trying to make a 3d red object tracking robot, which requires two camera's to provide video feed and write down va...
17 year 7 2340
SRV-1 Motor Control
I'm trying to control the SRV-1 motors using VB Script and some blob tracking.  I was getting very unpredictable beha...
15 year 7 2528
Separating the object or pores
Hello, I am working to characterize a porous media and I want to identify each pore (object) indivi...
13 year 7 3859
please help to make face/body folower for DV cam rotation head
Dear Roborealmer, I am planing to build an automation platform that can move left and right (single...
12 year 7 4024
SRV-1b motors time
By default, to control the motors we just send the value of the speed, and that value will be running the motors for 500 ms, is...
15 year 7 1745
Radial distortion coefficient
Hi all This seam to be a very useful program. I'm trying to u...
16 year 7 2333
Pololu Micro Maestro
Greetings We putting together an ROV to accompany a submarine and want to drive it with RC motor an...
14 year 7 4763
Stay out line
Hi guys, has anyone sucessfully completed the stay out line as I'm having wicked problems trying to get the module to work. The...
12 year 7 3226
64 bit Question
Does Roborealm work on 64 bit Vista?...
12 year 7 3194
3 object tracking. The best way?
Hi STeven, Thanks for sorting out the flipping in roborealm :) It was both the flip horizon...
16 year 7 2672
Read_HTTP does not read static jpg
Hello, have an webserver (APACHE) with a jpg file. When try to accses...
9 year 7 1613
Date/Time Stamp
Is there a way to get the 'real time' date/time stamp (display) on images uploaded?  Maybe I've missed something bu...
15 year 7 4699
Variables, Auto-Play, Save of Shape-Match Train
Hello, i bought Roborealm today and I have similar problems... :) Firs...
9 year 7 3068
Activating the server check box
Hi all, I have downloaded the demo of robo form. I want to try using the API. The first step is to activate the ro...
12 year 7 3274
What's the best camera to see games on a laptop?
My project requires that I accurately (and quickly) identify game objects (including numbers and the mouse cursor) on a laptop s...
16 year 7 2148
Smoothing Data
I'm sending COG_X and COG_BOX_SIZE serially to an arduino to run some motors. I'd like to have a VR script to smooth or do a r...
14 year 7 3551
Any idea why the object recognition module would see a nonexistant object in an empty background space?  Here's a scr...
12 year 7 2324
Lane & Obstacle Detection
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of using this software for a project for a scale lane & obstacle detecting car.
13 year 7 2747

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