How to run two copies of roborealm.
sharat from India  [14 posts]
17 year
I am trying to make a 3d red object tracking robot, which requires two camera's to provide video feed and write down values of centre of gravity in two text files,  but I cannot open another window of Roborealm, I intend to use one window each of roborealm for the two camera's used, so that I can visually monitor the feed and also be able to select one among the two camera's for each of the two windows. In short I want to be able to run two copies of roborealm.
Anonymous 17 year
You shouldn't need too run two copies. A single copy can connect to up to 16 cameras at one time. The way you do that is to run one filter sequence as you currently have and then use the Other->Marker to set the current image to the second camera (it should appear in the dropdown if connected). Then duplicate the code above from there on. Once at the end RR with then start the pipeline loop again with the next image from the first camera ... and so on.

Does that make sense?

Anonymous 17 year
Oh, and if you need to see both feeds have a look at the Mosaic module which can display each camera feed as a single large image. You'd probably use this as the last module.

sharat from India  [14 posts] 17 year
I have tried the marker, but it makes the video feed from the webcams unstable, i.e. only one webcam shows the image, while the other grays out, also since the name of the variables cog_x and Cog_y are the same in both the modules, the result shown is the same for both camera's, it would really simplify and make the system much more stable, if I am able to run two copies.
Anonymous 17 year
You can always use the Set Variable module to rename the variables to something else.

Regardless, there are cases where it makes sense to run two copies. If you download you will find a checkbox in Options->Other tab that allows for multiple instances (last checkbox in that tab). Once set you should be able to launch more than one copy.

17 year
o.k.thanks a lot , will try and revert back if needed, also inform whom I can contact to get a made to order .exe file of the modules/program I finally use.

Anonymous 17 year
Let us know if and when you need a made to order .exe file. You can use the site's contact form to get in contact with us via email.


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