Saving Images - compression
17 year


When I save images using  RR there seems to be some sort of compression.    If I load my  TIFF file (around 4MB) and hit save the image ends up about 1.2 MB.  Is there way to turn off the compression?.    This seems to alter  results with my other post processing tools

Thank you.
Follow up
17 year

The webcam we use is  a new 2 mega pixel Quickcam Pro.    We are using it to take snap shots.  
Anonymous 17 year

What file format are you saving it as? Perhaps if you try a non-lossy compression like PNG or GIF you will get better results?

Follow up part 2
17 year


I add the  TIFF extension and hit SAVE.  I can try the others formats.    The resolution of the original image  is approximately 1200 x 1600 (very sharp for a webcam).  Maybe this is causing a problem?


Anonymous 17 year

What resolution (ie size) is it saving the final image to? The TIFF format is a lossless compression (LZW) so you should not be seeing any quality decrease. What might be happening is that RoboRealm does not support images larger than 1280x1024 and thus might be resizing the image prior to saving which might account for the decrease in quality. Can you verify that this scaling is happening?

If this is the case we can look into what it would take to increase the maximal acceptable resolution.

Follow up part 3
17 year

Hello STeven,

RoboRealm does seem to resize the image.  The image starts as 1200 X 1600.  When RoboRealm loads/saves the image a resize to 1280 X 900 occurs.    You are correct.  It is not compression but a resize that causes the loss of information.   Hmmm.....


Anonymous 17 year

We'll see what we can do about increasing the max resolution as I imagine this will be a continuing problem as cameras get higher and higher resolutions. This will take a couple days to determine.


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