64 bit Question
SamQ from United States  [15 posts]
16 year
Does Roborealm work on 64 bit Vista?
Anonymous 16 year
Yes, but only in 32 bit mode. RoboRealm does not naively support 64 bits ... yet.

Anonymous 12 year
How about now? 64 bit Windows 7?

Anonymous 12 year
Nope ... not yet. Any particular reason you are looking for a native 64 bit application? RR does not use that much memory when working with most images. Or is there another reason?

Anonymous 12 year
I'm gearing up to get a new PC. Most have 64 bit Windows 7 pre-installed.
Roborealm work on that?
Anonymous 12 year
We test/run/develop on exactly that platform everyday. I'll go with a "yes" to the answer to your question. RR runs fine on 64bit.

The biggest issue you will have is getting drivers that work with 64bit.

Anonymous 12 year
Not sure but I'm guessing it would add speed to the calculations if you used all 64 bits for processing, and would reduce lag (increase frame-rate throughput) for computation-heavy algorithms.

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