Joystick not enumerated?!?!
Sean Taffert from Canada  [6 posts]
17 year
Can any one shed some light on why all of a sudden, my joystick is no longer enumerated in the drop down list of the "Joystick" module?

I had it working before, then nothing. I have reinstalled the Logitech gamepad drivers and checked that windows can see and use the pad. Rebooted, all is working. But still RR does not list the gamepad in the available hardware (it is blank) and I can no longer use it as input.

Please help.

Anonymous 17 year

We double checked that module and everything seems to work.

Can you try starting RR with the CTRL key down and reinsert the module? Holding down the CTRL key will cause RR to use all its defaults. Perhaps something in the current config is causing the module to act incorrectly. Please let us know if this makes a difference.

Sean Taffert from Canada  [6 posts] 17 year
Tried the CTRL default startup.... no dice.

Reinstalled RR. Checked gamepad, OK. Tried different USB ports, no difference.

Any other ideas?

Sean Taffert from Canada  [6 posts] 17 year
OK, downloaded RR v1.8.6.0, reinstalled, rebooted. Seems OK, although still finicky about startup enumeration. I recreated the entire script/robo file from scratch again. I got it to hang again while controlling the net cam. Still don't understand why.

All I want is to control a D-Link DCS-6300 IP netcam with a gamepad. Simple movement and zoom, maybe a "home" key, no more no less. Has anyone done this yet?

Anonymous 17 year

Can you attach the robofile that you are using? We can get a better idea on what modules are being used and perhaps where things are going wrong.

One thing to try is to disable selective modules (use the disable button) and see if you can get it hang again. This would let us know which module is causing the issue.

Also if you're using wireless connection try hooking the camera up directly with wire and see if you have the same issue. "Hanging" using a network based camera is often attributed to timeouts not being set correctly when communicating with the remote device (this is our issue not yours) and will depend on network performance among other things.

Is it possible to expose that camera on the internet? In that way we can test from our location what might be going wrong .. plus any timing effects get much more pronounced.

Sean Taffert from Canada  [6 posts] 17 year

thanks for the reply. Here (attached) is the .robo file. I have managed to regain enumeration of the joystick (gamepad) via reinstallation (4th time) of RR and think that the issue is timing related.

All connections are wired and on a separate subnet.

I will arrange for public access to the camera later this week.

Anonymous 17 year

The robofile config looks fine. You don't really need the Exit module at the end but it doesn't create an issues.

On the joystick issue, are you running RR after the joystick is plugged in? We had another issue recently caused due to system startup where RR was placed in the startup folder and would start sooner than cameras/etc would be initialized which caused issues. Just wondering if you've got a similar setup as there is no reason that installing RR x times should make any difference. It should be more due to what runs first. Perhaps sometimes RR is not getting the joystick enumeration as the joystick is still initializing itself with the OS ... or perhaps the bluetooth is taking a while to connect.

Have you tried to set the Camera refresh rate in the Dlink camera to ASAP? If you can make that camera internet available we'll be able to better test things out.


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