Fixed Tracking
Issac from United States  [3 posts]
13 year
I'm new to robo realm. I was wondering if someone could lead me into the direction how to set fixed positions on an object. For instance if there is an object on another object. One object is still and the other object is being tracked while connected to the one that is still.
James Dickinson from Australia  [49 posts] 13 year
can you explain a little more what you are wanting?  Im sorry but that made no sense to me :S
Issac from United States  [3 posts] 13 year
Instead of tracking an entire image. I want to track a specific portion like for example a nose on a face instead of the whole head or the head on the body instead of the whole body. The blob function seems to only track the entire image.
James Dickinson from Australia  [49 posts] 13 year
well if your using blobs you need to first create a series of filters that remove the rest of the image so that only the "nose" blob is left

are you looking to track a unique object, or any object that fits a certain set of properties?
Issac from United States  [3 posts] 13 year
I never thought of that. I have been reading since forever and did not come across that given idea. Do you know what combination filters that could do the job for a set of properties for any part of the face that could do the trick
James Dickinson from Australia  [49 posts] 13 year
In order to help, you really need to specify in detail what your final result is that you are looking for
EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
You can try to use AVM for object tracking (face, eye, mouth):

See AVM Navigator module for more details:

Find out more in "Using of AVM plugin in RoboRealm" thread:

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