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Problem with getting my pipe program to work
I have just created the simplest possible pipe program. I made it literally take each packet sent t... |
11 year | 2 | 1687 |
interface RR to c#
Hi I wrote my robot using c#, now I want to add vision. I want to use RR, but being new... |
12 year | 2 | 1687 |
Java Controller
Hello roboreal users, I've had a vex controller for awhile now, and besides a few power issues, it... |
14 year | 2 | 1688 |
Serial module
The serial module wont remember by serial port. Its the only module loaded. I can select the port from the drop down. remember d... |
12 year | 4 | 1688 |
Bluetooth problem LEGO NXT
Hello everyone, I have a problem with the bluetooth connection Roborealm - NXT robot on windows 7 (32bit / 64bit).... |
12 year | 3 | 1688 |
Robrealm Crashes every time
installed roboreal on my 64 bit windows 7 machine.But the programme crashes everytime i try to choose any of the modules.It does... |
13 year | 4 | 1689 |
Are there any I/O boards that are supported by Roborealm? I would really like to be able to input data from sensors into Roborea... |
15 year | 4 | 1689 |
RR not saving
Lately we have an repeating issue that we save the RR file and the changes in the VB scripts are not saved. We are using version... |
10 year | 3 | 1689 |
camera recommended for colour based object tracking robot
Hi, We are going to make a colour based object tracking robot.Can u please reccommend a wireless camera that will... |
11 year | 2 | 1689 |
EB500 Keeps blinking 16 year |
7 |
1689 |
OSC port settings not changeable
I recently run into some strange problems using the OSC protocol interface inside Roborealm. I found some work-arounds . This is... |
13 year | 2 | 1689 |
utilisation roborealm avec interface polulu (servo pan hilt)
bonjour il y a t'il des francophones qui utilisent Roborealm ? je souhaiterai l'utilisé pour un... |
13 year | 1 | 1689 |
Cropping and COG - Line following
Hi there STeven, Me again :) I just wanted to point out that... |
17 year | 2 | 1690 |
School project
I am working on a university project where I am required to identify coins and dollar bills put under the camera. We basically w... |
14 year | 2 | 1690 |
input from camera
Hi, Is there a way to take input from the camera (via robotrealm) and perse it to my java program r... |
15 year | 3 | 1690 |
Microsoft Lifecam Cinema - driver missing
Hi Guys... I'm trying to use a Lifecam and I've got errors installing it. I just get a blank scre... |
12 year | 2 | 1690 |
IP Cameras
Is it all model of IP cameras are compatible to be use with this roborealm? ... |
13 year | 3 | 1691 |
Problem with Line corner module
Hi all, I hope you can help me, I want to call Line corner module from C++ and I will use execute command but I dont know the na... |
16 year | 2 | 1691 |
Pixel's speed
How can I estimate the speed's motion of pixels from one image to another (in pixel/second) ?... |
16 year | 3 | 1691 |
my favorite roborealm
I'm new to roborealm but its awesome and i'm more impressed the way it helps me in my project than opencv etc. But i'm having... |
13 year | 2 | 1692 |
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