5053 threads
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Roborealm help!!!!!
Please someone help me ...Cause my camera is not getting detected in roborealm software.... I just don't know what to do .... I...
13 year 2 1719
Communication b/w two RR instances
I have two instances of RR running on my system at the same time. I want to sent two variables in one instance of RR to the othe...
16 year 2 1720
FRC 2013 Angle Measurements
Hello, I am Kyle Fischer from team 3559. And we going to try to use vision tracking this year. We have had failed past attempts...
12 year 2 1720
Select Excel Raneg and Perform Formatting functions
I need to select a range in excel and then perform certain formatting functions like bold, color, delete columns etc....
12 year 2 1720
Guitar hero bot
Hi guys.  I have my PS2 w/ Guitar Hero: Aerosmith hooked up to my PC, with the RCA hooked up to a tuner card. &nb...
15 year 3 1720
From RoboRealm to C++ program
I am very very new to using RoboRealm. I have been working with a group on a project for visually impaired users. We are buildin...
15 year 2 1720
error in opening file
I'm currently using RR for our project. We save it time after time, we load the save robofile after the work yesterday. But err...
16 year 3 1720
General question
programming language of roborealm c , java .. etc? why is it considered to be faster than openCv in general?
11 year 2 1720
tracking circles in RoboRealm?
I need to track three dilating white spheres for a project and analyze the data drawn from the motion of the particles. A collea...
17 year 2 1720
histogram drawing
hey is there any module with which i can plot a histogram , often we have values which we want to see pictorially, so ma...
17 year 2 1721
Distance measurement
Can you calculate actual distances with RoboRealm? I know that you can calculate pixel distances, but what I am looking for is a...
13 year 2 1721
Radial Distortion Coefficient input question
What are the P0 and SCALE variables for? (I understand what the other variables do.) both values are 1000 by default. what do th...
15 year 2 1721
Hair Counting
Hi, we need to be able to count the number of hairs on picture of a patch of skin, we would appreciate any ideas on how to appro...
14 year 4 1721
Laser spot variable in Lisp API
Hi Steven Im trying to get the Laser points variable in my Lisp controlled robot (leaf project) i wr...
14 year 4 1721
color tracking
I'm trying to use the color tracking program. I first got a request for a FTDI driver which I assumed was for the USB serial co...
16 year 2 1721
illegal parking
Hi I would like to know if RR can be given a bitmap from a camera and then it processes the bitmap and determine...
13 year 2 1721
See Variable in View_Variables not correct in VB
In my pipeline I have 2 sections of image  process. On the second process I use the Blob_Filter with the...
11 year 1 1722
Problem with Connect_Points
Using version, connect_points worked fine.  Now using it somewhat works when I first o...
16 year 3 1722
Serial communication from colour filter
I want to be able to differentiate between a yellow/green tennis ball and an orange golf ball in order to send serial communicat...
11 year 2 1722
Need Advice for a Competition
Hello Experts out there! Can anyone be kind enough to guide me on this competition? C...
15 year 7 1723

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