5053 threads
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Problem with Connect_Points
Using version, connect_points worked fine.  Now using it somewhat works when I first o...
16 year 3 1724
Radial Distortion Coefficient input question
What are the P0 and SCALE variables for? (I understand what the other variables do.) both values are 1000 by default. what do th...
15 year 2 1724
Off road planning
Can i get the pipeline robo file of Off-Road planning?...
13 year 4 1725
Guppy grader
I am willing to offer 20,000 us for the solution ...
12 year 2 1725
blob tracking
Hi I am trying to track blobs within series of pictures. I have images with a lot of blobs on it and I want to rec...
11 year 2 1726
Counting chub packages in case
I'm scratching my head on where to start this one. I am trying to get a total count on the sticks, but because of their irregul...
13 year 2 1726
How to detect light?
Hi everyone. I'm new on roborealm software and for a I project I need to detect the light emission. Do you know how to do that...
12 year 6 1726
Problems with nxt
I'm trying to get the ball follower or ball picker examples to work but, Every time I change the value to enable the ri...
17 year 2 1726
Joystick framedrop
Hi, I am trying to use the joystick module for controlling my parallax usb servo controller.
16 year 3 1726
More for Steven
I have many computers. I do my best to uninstall before I reinstall. I am trying to get RR to work on my roomba now. I just got...
13 year 2 1726
Roboteq Module?
I was wondering when and if a Roboteq Module will be created? I have read other form posts asking for people to contact Roboteq...
13 year 1 1727
Stereo Sound
Hi. Sorry for my English. you can create a stereo audio system RoboRea...
11 year 2 1727
interface with vb6
> could roborealm interface with vb6/vb.net? > currently i'm doing pattern recognition using roborealm and...
16 year 2 1727
Simple arithmtic operations
Are there in roborealm simple arithmetic operations (+,-,x,/) ? I couldnt find them so please, if they are not there, can you ad...
16 year 2 1727
Class based object recognition
I realize that the object recognition module in roborealm uses each template image as an object to recognize, however how would...
13 year 4 1727
line profile
dear In my simple programe line profile values are not correct. string of all 255. the values where...
9 year 3 1729
Lack of Control Option for RCX
I downloaded the SDK 2 as recommended and can see the Phantom.dll file in the same directory as RoboRealm.  Wh...
17 year 2 1729
Roborealm with C#
Hello, im recently using roborealm for my final project at university. What i do is, moving object tracking. Thanks to roborealm...
13 year 2 1729
Loaded images not visible
Hello, I just downloaded the latest version of RoboRealm ( and am unable to view images in the gui. I don...
16 year 3 1729
One last bug for today ;-)
STeven, one last crash for today with the Python module. Program runs with a=19 and crashes with a ...
10 year 3 1729

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