5047 threads
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Stereo Sound
Hi. Sorry for my English. you can create a stereo audio system RoboRea...
11 year 2 1599
problem with display points
I dont know if this is technically a bug, but I have a problem with the display-points module.
16 year 2 1599
Looking for someone to help build a simple robotics parts model. Know very little about process, but do have an idea of parts ne...
11 year 1 1599
Communicate with NXT over USB - Send variables
Hi, first of all congratulate you guys for having developed this wonderful machine vision application. Great job! ...
14 year 2 1599
Edimax IC-3030WN
Hi, I'm not able to display pictures from  the Edimax LAN camera in roborealm. I use the...
12 year 5 1599
Pending in cycles
impossible use in VBS script instruction with cycles Wile...wend, do Wile...Loop, and etc herewith after start Pending RR on des...
15 year 2 1600
Portal 2 Turret with SFX
Here's a quick little .robo that uses motion detection to provide provides smoothed targeting coordinates complete with Portal...
12 year 1 1600
Problem with bluetooth connection to NXT
Hi. I have a problem with a bluetooth (again). It worked well before, but now it does not work again. When it connects, Roboreal...
15 year 2 1600
MSRS / MSRDS 2008: Excessive UpdateFrame Messages in GetVariableExample!
We are using RoboRealm with a firewire Basler a602f camera (running at around 100fps in RoboRealm) on WinXP Pro for a University...
15 year 2 1601
Need an image/video processing programmer
I'm not sure if this is the right place to do this, so I apologize in advance if this post is in the wrong place. I was referre...
13 year 1 1601
Trouble installing
Purchased DVR and downloaded new file. Prior to installing updated RR file I uninstalled my original RR. I then attempted to ins...
12 year 3 1601
Handwriting/Signature Detection/Extraction
I'm curious to know if anyone has experimented detecting and extracting handwriting? One example is the signature on a check, d...
11 year 2 1601
One last bug for today ;-)
STeven, one last crash for today with the Python module. Program runs with a=19 and crashes with a ...
9 year 3 1602
Programming X-Y Dimension variable
Hello.A particular problem statement that I am working on requires that one half of the screen I run RGB filter set to g...
16 year 2 1602
Hi Steven Are more fonts supported since 2.76.1 ? I see : Apr 04, 201...
2 year 2 1603
Roborealm with C#
Hello, im recently using roborealm for my final project at university. What i do is, moving object tracking. Thanks to roborealm...
13 year 2 1603
Support for SD-84 card
Steven,    Just curious. do you have support for the SD-84 84 channel card? Can one of th...
13 year 1 1603
Finding circles in circles
Hi I have an application where I want to locate a circle within another circle, and get the center...
16 year 2 1603
Tracking help
I just found roborelm and am having some fun with it. I'll just tell you my goals, and see if i can get pointed down the right...
15 year 2 1603
Serial communication from colour filter
I want to be able to differentiate between a yellow/green tennis ball and an orange golf ball in order to send serial communicat...
10 year 2 1604

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