5053 threads
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Purchase Process
Hi there, I just purchased the Roborealm Standard, but didn't see any instructions on the receipt of how I'm goi...
14 year 2 1693
Looking for someone to help build a simple robotics parts model. Know very little about process, but do have an idea of parts ne...
11 year 1 1693
Need an image/video processing programmer
I'm not sure if this is the right place to do this, so I apologize in advance if this post is in the wrong place. I was referre...
13 year 1 1693
Phidgets Motor Control - 1065 Motor Controller
I am currently trying to use RoboRealm 2.44.15 with the phidgets 1065 motor controller (which has replaced the LC version recent...
13 year 2 1693
set_image with grayscale images
Hi, ist there a way to send grayscale images by providing only the gray values? Sendi...
16 year 2 1693
sir,        how to make sure that my com port in mother board is working??...
15 year 2 1694
Counting copper strips from an image
Hello Everybody, I am new to using Image processing applications. I have this circular part consisting of copper...
15 year 3 1694
Joystick variables over distributor server/client
I am using the distributor server/client modules to control my robot (a converted wheelchair).  I have a laptop on the...
11 year 3 1694
problem with display points
I dont know if this is technically a bug, but I have a problem with the display-points module.
16 year 2 1694
Two web servers simultaneously
Hi! I have a problem. I ran two web servers with different port simultaneously. And I want to show both image on t...
8 year 2 1694
Tracking Shopping Carts
How effective would Roborealm be for identifying and positional tracking of a shopping cart going through a check out lane? ...
13 year 1 1694
roborealm with interactive cinemas
hi STeve i am working on a simulator and i ask if i can use roborealm as interface software between what is displ...
10 year 2 1694
Suggestion 4-U
I think there is a new board out there that you would be wise to have support for. It is made in Canada and is called the EZ-B c...
13 year 1 1694
Roborealm crashes when webserver is activated
Hi, When I start streaming from the webserver using Firefox, the image freezes frequently. I tried ...
9 year 6 1695
Communicating with NXT over USB
Hello, I am reading the NXT module documentation and did not see any mention of communication over...
16 year 2 1695
change RGB color filter
Hi. I've recently downloaded roborealm and it makes every image application simpler,thanks! here,I'm stuck at a point. Could I...
14 year 5 1695
How to use Moment Statistics
I was wondering what Moment Statistics would be used for and how to segment images to create individual blobs.
12 year 2 1696
serial communication
i've set up communication with a Cricket device. i am successfully receiving the data into the serial block in roborealm.........
16 year 2 1696
Roborealm and Vex
Hi, I am trying to connect vex cortex 2.0 to roborealm so I can you values created for motors to move the motors using vex corte...
12 year 1 1696
Shape Recognition
Hello, My name is Joey, I am a Student (18 Years old). I live in France and I am doing a project wi...
12 year 1 1696

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