MSRS / MSRDS 2008: Excessive UpdateFrame Messages in GetVariableExample!
Sam from Australia  [3 posts]
15 year
We are using RoboRealm with a firewire Basler a602f camera (running at around 100fps in RoboRealm) on WinXP Pro for a University project, and everything is going rather well.

Only one thing is bothering us. We have created a service to get the COGX and COGY variable values that we need, and based it entirely on the provided GetVariableExample code.

When we run the GetVariableExample from the console with the Basler camera running in RoboRealm we get some interesting behaviour. Here is a part of the output from the console window:

Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412187500: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412343750: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412500000: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412500000: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412500000: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412500000: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412500000: COG= 249,143
Got UpdateFrame at DateTime tick 633807434412500000: COG= 249,143

Clearly we're getting excessive UpdateFrame messages somehow. We're only supposed to be running 100fps, so we should expect a message around every 10ms (NOT over 10 messages per 'tick' value as shown above!).

The exact same thing happens with the service that we wrote.

It's not a major problem for us because we can simply filter out the unwanted frames, but it is surely taking up valuable processing time which we probably need.

Anyone got any ideas?

Anonymous 15 year

Looks like the waitImage function of the API that the MSRDS is using does not include a timeout parameter which was causing that function call to fail in the RR server. You can download the latest version of RR 2.3.0 and that will fix that particular issue and force the interface to wait for new images as apposed to immediately returning ...


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