5053 threads
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Roborealm and Builder Cpp
Hello!!! Please help a noobie-kid from Russia! I whant to connect your wounderfull program Roborealm and Borland С++ Build...
16 year 2 1688
MSRS displaying unprocessed image problem
Hi, every time I open the RoboRealm service interface running with MSRS 2008 R2 and select "none" in the example programs I ca...
15 year 2 1688
I got a great idea
How about using ad-banners on your site to make money, and use an AdFly link for the roborealm download link (it pays the link p...
13 year 3 1688
display the detected object on visual basic program
hello,how do i make object that been detected by roborealm to be display on visual basic program.for example: let say if the det...
15 year 3 1688
Servo Center 3.1 problems with roborealm.
If I have my Servo Center 3.1 turned on and select it in control then Servo Center 3.1 and roborealm crashes. I have to turn off...
16 year 3 1688
I have tried to use this program on 3 different computers, 2 with XP and one with Vista. It...
17 year 4 1688
RR crashes constantly
RR constantly crashes when I press the "New" button for a new program. It does this regardless if I have a program running or...
16 year 2 1689
RoboRealm WebServer and Labview
Hi, I am new to RoboRealm, and was wondering if it is possible to use the WebSever to export variab...
12 year 5 1689
RoboRealm on a PSP
Can you use roborealm on a PSP? Is there a version to go on a PSP?...
16 year 2 1689
Help button not working
When clicking the help button in the RoboRealm, I am presented a with an 'Open With...' dialog with no entries...
15 year 3 1689
images and database
hi i am currently using RR to process a video and RR is to save some of the relevant images.
17 year 2 1689
open RR
hello, i want to ask, is it right way to do the open function of RR rr.open("c:\\\\P...
15 year 4 1689
im new to vision robotics plz help me in making a ball follower with atmega32
hi im new with vision robotics but very much familiar with mcu projects,i find robo realm using some kit modules,i want to do a...
15 year 5 1689
IIT Kharagpur Robotics Fest
Technology Robotix Society is proud to present ROBOTIX 2013, its annual technological extravaganza, to be held during 1 – 4 Febr...
12 year 1 1690
Steven, Base on the servo as photo i've attach, what servo module is suitable for that type of ser...
13 year 2 1690
Object detection and timing
I am looking at possible options for using roborealm to be installed on a stationary system attached to a camera, with the purpo...
10 year 1 1690
Largest still image dimensions in RoboRealm
I would like to know the largest still image that RoboRealm can process. Is it 1280x1024?
13 year 4 1691
Missle Launcher
Hi Steven,     I was wondering. I needed a pan/tilt mechanism on a budget. Some...
14 year 2 1692
Unstable behaviour of
Hello, As a complete newbie to RoboRealm I'm trying a out a few simple things in the image proces...
15 year 3 1692
How to Link Roborealm to VB.NET
Hello all, I want to use the data from RoboRealm in my application made using VB.NET. I want the co...
12 year 2 1692

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