Clear cuurent image
13 year
Which module to be used can I clear current image ?
James Dickinson from Australia  [49 posts] 13 year
what do you want to clear it to?

if you want to go back to the source webcam image use the Marker module
Anonymous 13 year
I want to go back to NO image
James Dickinson from Australia  [49 posts] 13 year
you cant not have an image unless you turn off the camera. by no image I assume you actually mean black LOL

flood fill module
Anonymous 13 year
You can either drag into RoboRealm a pure black image (this will get you the size you want to) or you can use the Marker module with no Revert To image selected.

But this may not work for what you want. What is the reason you are needing a black/no image?

Alternatively, you can try using the Kiosk or Faceless modes of RR to actually make the interface disappear.


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