5047 threads
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I'm looking for variables
how i can see all the variables created by RR...Variables that are used in capturing image from camera??what  is"new_...
15 year 2 1561
Changing a tutorial file crashes roborealm
Hi STeven, I've just been trying to change the filter in the program given in this post from a yel...
16 year 2 1561
Read Variables Problem
I am trying to get rid of a bunch of Set_Variable modules with a Read_Variables module. It am usin...
15 year 5 1561
Disabling Hotkeys?
Hey guys, great product. I am wondering if there is any way I can disable the hotkeys?
14 year 2 1562
Saving images in roborealm
is there a way to save images within roborealm? i want it to take a picture when the camera idenifies a certain c...
16 year 2 1562
counting workpieces
Hi, we would like to count workpieces, different in shape, which pass a camera by a band-conveyor. The frequence i...
13 year 2 1562
Image Distributor (Client & Server)
I would like to use the Distributor Server & Client modules to connect two remote PCs over the internet. The first one (Server)...
16 year 2 1562
Feature extraction using a laser measurement system
Hi all, I have currently a project running and my task is to detect chairs and tables using only a...
12 year 1 1563
Problem with pan/tilt control of creative live!
I am trying to control the Creative Live! Motion camera through the RoboRealm pan/tilt control (Control>Cameras>Creative_L...
15 year 2 1563
Endurance R/C 8/16 servo controller plugin
Anybody using one of this controller, or has any code to share.  I am new to the code writing.  Than...
16 year 2 1563
13 year 2 1563
Tracking Person Shirt striped RGB
Im still trying to find a good way to track a person. Ive used a single color, while this works, once it sees the same color it ...
11 year 0 1564
Its sort of inerfacing... my listen function won't work. when i try to use it, it says "Listen Module failed at CreateRecoCont...
14 year 2 1564
RoboRealm Image Stream Applet
I was playing with your RoboRealm.class file from the index.html page and I want to break it up into multiple components so that...
15 year 2 1564
connect error!!!
Hi there, I'm trying to run the vb.net example in the API, but I'm getting an error message "Co...
16 year 3 1564
Loading images from a folder for object recognition
I am trying to build an application that loads an image taken from another camera and send it as an input to the object recognit...
13 year 2 1566
Soccer Robot
Can we use Roborealm for making soccer-bot ?...
13 year 2 1567
Kinect Noise
The Kinect depth map is very noisy, making it very hard to try and do motion tracking. Is there some way to filter this noise al...
12 year 1 1567
Servo Center 3.1 problems with roborealm.
If I have my Servo Center 3.1 turned on and select it in control then Servo Center 3.1 and roborealm crashes. I have to turn off...
16 year 3 1567
point location with two cameras
Hi Steven, I have a small problem whereby I am using point location on an image from camera 1.This works fine unti...
15 year 2 1567

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