5053 threads
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software not respondig
dear sir As a robot enthusiast, ROBOREALM is a fantastic software I found. But  roborealm...
9 year 3 1707
Phidgets Motor Control - 1065 Motor Controller
I am currently trying to use RoboRealm 2.44.15 with the phidgets 1065 motor controller (which has replaced the LC version recent...
13 year 2 1707
Tracking Person Shirt striped RGB
Im still trying to find a good way to track a person. Ive used a single color, while this works, once it sees the same color it ...
11 year 0 1707
Higher Resolution Camera
Hi Having gone through some of the tutorials (e.g., why track color) etc., I was trying to...
17 year 2 1707
Clear cuurent image
Which module to be used can I clear current image ?...
13 year 5 1708
crashes after double clicking "Lynxmotion_SSC" module
i, i have downloaded roborealm and searched the modules for ssc, when i double click the "Lynxmotion_SSC" module the p...
16 year 2 1708
Interfacing RoboRealm to a Canon PowerShot SX100 IS
I have a Canon PowerShot SX100 IS that I'd like to interface to RoboRealm. This camera and many o...
13 year 3 1709
problem with display points
I dont know if this is technically a bug, but I have a problem with the display-points module.
16 year 2 1709
Ignoring / Coloring Part of an Image
I'm tracking a ball through a maze (brio labyrinth board game) and want to ignore certain parts of the board (circular holes) t...
16 year 2 1709
Support for SD-84 card
Steven,    Just curious. do you have support for the SD-84 84 channel card? Can one of th...
14 year 1 1709
Just take one picture
Hi everybody, is there a module in RR just to take a picture when needed? I got a checkerboard and...
14 year 2 1709
set_image with grayscale images
Hi, ist there a way to send grayscale images by providing only the gray values? Sendi...
16 year 2 1710
Communicating with NXT over USB
Hello, I am reading the NXT module documentation and did not see any mention of communication over...
16 year 2 1710
Tracking Shopping Carts
How effective would Roborealm be for identifying and positional tracking of a shopping cart going through a check out lane? ...
13 year 1 1711
USB Camera live video crash
When trying to press Camera button again to show live video in options,  the roborealm crashes.
13 year 3 1711
Roborealm and Vex
Hi, I am trying to connect vex cortex 2.0 to roborealm so I can you values created for motors to move the motors using vex corte...
12 year 1 1711
need some suggestions/help
there is a project that i should finish in 5 months... we put a webcam in the room.. vertically... and in the scen...
16 year 2 1711
MSRS / MSRDS 2008: Excessive UpdateFrame Messages in GetVariableExample!
We are using RoboRealm with a firewire Basler a602f camera (running at around 100fps in RoboRealm) on WinXP Pro for a University...
15 year 2 1711
Do We have OCR yet?
There is some half way descent Open Source OCR software out there. All we really need is an API or Module or whatever to make it...
14 year 2 1712
RoboRealm Crashing WIth Arduino
So we are using RoboRealm to make a RC car that follows us... our first problem is that after about 1 or 2 minutes of roborealm ...
11 year 0 1712

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