Passing a speech variable to Spykee
Alan Coggins from Australia  [32 posts]
12 year
I'm not sure if this is already possible, but I suspect not. I would like to be able to use the "Speak" module to pass a speech string to play on the Erector Spykee speaker (rather than my PC's speaker).

There is currently a facility to play a sound variable, but this only plays one of the sound effects that is preloaded onto Spykee (although I can add 2 custom sounds). But it would be really useful for troubleshooting if I could set various points in the VBScript like:

SpeakStr = "scanning"
SetVariable "SPEAK_STR", SpeakStr


SpeakStr = "object found"
SetVariable "SPEAK_STR", SpeakStr

to see which part of the program Spykee was at. Also when combined with the face recognition module this would give Spykee the possibility of interacting with people, ie recognising you, saying hello, etc.

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