Problems starting roborealm.exe
Tom from United Kingdom  [4 posts]
16 year
When i first installed roborealm it started correctly, showing the preview image, list of filters, and current robo file sections. After exiting the software and restarting it, the gui loads but only shows the list of filters from the left hand side, and the insert button (the contents index search tabs).

The status bar in the program indicates that it is capturing frames correctly, but i cant see the output. Is there a key combo or something to hide / show this?

I am running this on vista.
Anonymous 16 year

Run RoboRealm.exe while holding down the CTRL key on startup. That will cause RR to use the default settings. Thanks for the Vista note ... that might be where the issue is. If we find out the cause we'll let you know!

Anonymous 16 year

Also try downloading the most recent copy of RR v which has a fix for this issue (was a couple days ago).

Tom from United Kingdom  [4 posts] 16 year
Hi Steven,

Thanks for the advice, the bug I was facing seems to be fixed now I have upgraded to the latest release.


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