5053 threads
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Multiple Cameras
Hi, I have a simple question, i want to try to use 2 or 3 cameras together for 3D Vision (x,y,z)
16 year 2 1683
Free grandfathering into new roborealm?
I know customers of the payed version get free updates to any later version, but if I'm a previous "customer" (read as user)...
13 year 4 1683
calculate distance
hi steven i am a new user for roborealm , i am working on military robot and use roborealm as a vision system and...
12 year 2 1683
official Kinect interface?
Hi, I was just wondering if there is anything in the works to support the official Microsoft Kinec...
13 year 3 1684
RoboRealm Closing After Opening Options Menu
When I open the options menu, and click ok at the bottom of the window then entire RoboRealm program closes.  I do not...
12 year 2 1684
Rapidly getting variables
I am rapidly getting variables from Roborealm into a visual c++ program would it be ok to use the getvariables function on its o...
16 year 2 1685
roborealm conversion
Hello all, I'm trying to program the SRV1 Blackfin camera, I see that you can use Roborealm to do...
16 year 2 1685
Roborealm API
Hi,I have tried running the roborealm API C++ example in DevCPP but I was getting liker errors.Not able to solve it.Please sugge...
17 year 3 1685
spykee et les logiciels
hello, I commenced in computing (programing) and I have a hard programer software Spykee line fllower site ...
14 year 2 1686
i' cannot get or read any value from roboream using VC++ API i want to display it on edit control(edit box)
15 year 2 1687
error saving
Hello, I am using the movement module,  when I save my file and reopen it the movement settings for precentage differe...
16 year 2 1687
Lost plugins on upgrade
It may just be me. But, when I upgraded to 2.36.2, I lost my nav plugins and also, my object recognition doesn't work anymore....
14 year 4 1687
Not Good
Dear all of RR mods/all of public, Look RR we cant pay that money think about it $89! you creat the...
15 year 2 1688
Roborealm to drive four arms with 6 DOF
Is it possible to drive two or four linxmotion l6 robot arms set each with webcam on the gripper using roborealm ? If so, what d...
16 year 2 1688
IF I do decide to buy it ...
I have a couple questions. Will I have to have a different license on each computer I used it on (like my laptop and my desktop)...
13 year 2 1688
Servo Center 3.1 problems with roborealm.
If I have my Servo Center 3.1 turned on and select it in control then Servo Center 3.1 and roborealm crashes. I have to turn off...
16 year 3 1688
Image data in memory are exchanged between  VB/VC and RR
I snap  an image from camera into memory and display it on windows  with Visual basic 6.How to make Binariza...
13 year 2 1688
object recognition
I tried windows voice recognition and it doesn't work hardly at all.  other people at the police department still use...
11 year 1 1689
Finding defects in printed materials
Hi Guys, Can you give me some pointers on how to check for defects in printed materials using RoboR...
16 year 2 1689
open RR
hello, i want to ask, is it right way to do the open function of RR rr.open("c:\\\\P...
15 year 4 1689

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