Only one instance of Serial Module can receive?
12 year
I'm testing roborealm using unregistered version using the serial module to communicate with HMR (home made robot) on PC with XP SP3.  The first instance of the module in the robo file works (mostly) with the send and receive sequences.

The 2nd instance however (even when cloned from 1st) has the receive part of the module grayed out, with no way to receive anything.

Is that expected behavior or is something wrong?..it's certainly not very convenient.
Anonymous 12 year
If you have more than one port you can use 2 serial modules, otherwise they chain together since you cannot have more than 1 module per serial port. The grayed out area in the second is related to the fact that the first module is only allowed to receive text. The second module can send but CANNOT receive. That you will have to put in the first module or construct a variable to contain the text that you want to send and use that in the first.

Ideally, you should only use a single serial module to communicate via serial otherwise things get very confusing.


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