RR Just gets better and better!
13 year
Hey, Steve!!

    I am very excited about RR having object recognition.  I still haven't got anything going on my robot as I wanted. But, that is not your fault. Your part of it works as advertised. I just need to interface it to my Leaf robot and  I simply do not have enough skills. But, I am not giving up. You have the Lisp API and all the other tools I need to do this with except my knowledge on the subject of interfacing. I have been busy moving. So, haven't had time to play.
    I just wanted to Thank You and your company for your devotion to supporting your product. It is second to none! The money that was spent on this program was well spent.

Anonymous 13 year
Thanks! We appreciate the note and will continue to work towards even more very cool modules yet to be released!


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