Image Distributor (Client & Server)
16 year
I would like to use the Distributor Server & Client modules to connect two remote PCs over the internet. The first one (Server) is to acquire the video from a camera and process it prior to passing it on. The second one (Client) is to receive the processed video stream and perform final processing and decision making. Then, commands (variables) are sent back to the Server PC for execution.

This configuration works on a local area network, but I would like to do it over the internet. What do I need to do, to make this happen?

Anonymous 16 year

It will mainly depend on your network. The client machine will have to connect to the server machin using an outside IP address. This is very similar to what is required in setting up a webserver. As your internal network is the responsibility of either you or your IT folks check with them as to how to get access from the internet to the specific machine running RoboRealm. Note that you will typically need to give them the port number too.

Other than that RoboRealm need not be configured differently other than specifying the appropriate IP/domain name in the client configuration.

Be aware of the image compression as sending images over the internet can really slow things down. A higher compression will keep things zippy but at the cost of degraded image quality.


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