Object detection and timing
Nicholas from Canada  [1 posts]
10 year
I am looking at possible options for using roborealm to be installed on a stationary system attached to a camera, with the purpose of recognizing specific colours and recording separate timing values for each.

For example if I wished to get roborealm to detect a red sphere and start a timer.  Then assuming the red sphere disappeared from view and then was detected again later on and I wished to get RR to log the duration between each time it recognizes the same object.  Then an extra layer of complexity, I would like it to track several coloured objects at the same time like 4 or more different coloured spheres in the same method.

Is this something RR is capable of achieving, and if so how would I get started? Apologies for the perhaps naive questions, i'm hoping to get a thumbs up before I get knee deep in this project.


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