5047 threads
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Multiple Running Instances
Hello STeven, I'm not able run second copy of RR on my desktop. Checkbox in Option/Application for ...
9 year 3 1617
Joystick framedrop
Hi, I am trying to use the joystick module for controlling my parallax usb servo controller.
16 year 3 1617
Fiducial Orientation.
Hi, We are testing RR (v 2.50.31) for fiducial recognition and we have a problem with the Orientati...
11 year 0 1617
RoboRealmSimulation & MSRS
Hi, I'm new here, I'm trying to use the RoboRealmSimulation for MSRS, and I can't see th...
16 year 3 1617
robot orientation
I want to correctly orientate my robot. Camera is installer on the roof(overhead camera). Robot has to orientate towards a parti...
10 year 2 1617
Higher FPS
I took an i5 machine with a fresh install of Win7Pro Then I loaded RR. 2.76.1 only, and with no cam...
2 year 2 1618
getting a black screen
Running Windows XP SP3 with latest DirectX drivers installed. Brand new HP Deluxe webcam. Drivers i...
14 year 2 1618
Robots' Intellect 2012
Dear colleagues, We are writing you on behalf of Student Science Association of Kaunas University o...
12 year 1 1618
serial communoication
dear sir In my project I want to load an image from my serial port camera. I `m in great difficulty to get done my...
8 year 2 1618
Getting Started
Hi, I'm wondering if you can help me get a handle on the 'roborealm' software. I just want to know how to make it work - how...
14 year 2 1619
Problem with Connect_Points
Using version, connect_points worked fine.  Now using it somewhat works when I first o...
15 year 3 1619
Off road planning
Can i get the pipeline robo file of Off-Road planning?...
12 year 4 1619
using a counter for setvariable
I would like to SetVariable "left_motor" and "right_motor" until e.g. the robot moves 3m forward and then turns right then f...
11 year 2 1619
Simple arithmtic operations
Are there in roborealm simple arithmetic operations (+,-,x,/) ? I couldnt find them so please, if they are not there, can you ad...
16 year 2 1619
Loaded images not visible
Hello, I just downloaded the latest version of RoboRealm ( and am unable to view images in the gui. I don...
16 year 3 1620
Problems with nxt
I'm trying to get the ball follower or ball picker examples to work but, Every time I change the value to enable the ri...
16 year 2 1620
tracking circles in RoboRealm?
I need to track three dilating white spheres for a project and analyze the data drawn from the motion of the particles. A collea...
16 year 2 1620
merge variables
Hello I need to merge two 8 bit values to a 16 bit value. The line> COG_X_10 = Lo | Hi<<8 gives an error....
11 year 2 1620
SSC-32 Win 98 Software ?
Does anyone know of free software similar to RoboRealm's for the Lynxmotion SSC-32 that works w/Win 98?...
16 year 2 1620
Multiple SRV-1 control over different internet source
Hi, I'm working on a project to control 6 robots, most probably SRV-1, in the same area. The users...
13 year 1 1620

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