5047 threads
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SSC-32 Win 98 Software ?
Does anyone know of free software similar to RoboRealm's for the Lynxmotion SSC-32 that works w/Win 98?...
16 year 2 1621
Purchase licence
Hi, my administrator is asking about the licence and how it is distributed. i am going to assume that a personalised programme i...
11 year 2 1621
Cannnot get either mailbox nxt-g examples to work
Hi there, I am not able to get either of the mialbox nxt-g examples to work. I have checked setting...
12 year 1 1622
Electrical Question
We had a great time making our robot but we really had no percedption of how fast it was going to move when we calculated inches...
13 year 1 1622
Guppy grader
I am willing to offer 20,000 us for the solution ...
12 year 2 1622
Need Advice for a Competition
Hello Experts out there! Can anyone be kind enough to guide me on this competition? C...
15 year 7 1622
How many IP cameras per session?
Hello. How many IP cameras can operate at once in one session of RR ?. I would like...
15 year 2 1622
Roborealm and Pololu Mini Maestro 24
Roborealm Servo Control Interface only activtates half of Pololu Mini Maestro 24 channels. Channels 17 thru 24 sta...
13 year 2 1623
Counting chub packages in case
I'm scratching my head on where to start this one. I am trying to get a total count on the sticks, but because of their irregul...
12 year 2 1623
height measurement
Hi. I am super new in roborealm. I am trying to calculate the height of an object (let say a box) by my webcam. i've already put...
8 year 2 1623
Kiosk mode
When I startup RR in kiosk mode there is "space" area around my picture. After toggeling ctrl k, the empty area disapears. Is...
11 year 5 1623
Navigation with kinect/xtion
Are there any plans to use the kinect or xtion for navigation purposes for instance in the avm-navigator-plugin? ...
10 year 1 1623
Class based object recognition
I realize that the object recognition module in roborealm uses each template image as an object to recognize, however how would...
13 year 4 1623
Frame Rate
Just a quick question.  I am running the boe-bot with track color tutorial.  The frame rate shown as...
16 year 2 1623
Identifying car
How do I identify a car which is passing my car? I am new to RR. I am trying to use it for lane departure warning...
13 year 2 1623
Donation License
Could I please have a donation license? Im 13 and am currently building a robot. I Needed the AVR Module, DVR and roborealm. Tha...
12 year 1 1624
I'm using RoboRealm 2.28.4  I see there is a new version out. I'm wanting to upgrade to...
13 year 2 1624
Multiple Autonomous CoroBots
Steven, I am using two CoroBots for a school project. The CoroBots have RR installed and have Wind...
14 year 4 1624
input from camera
Hi, Is there a way to take input from the camera (via robotrealm) and perse it to my java program r...
14 year 3 1624
for Steven
Hey, Steven,      Here is a situation that I have run into. I have been trying...
13 year 3 1625

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