5047 threads
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Help Voice control Write Avi and Read Avi module
Hi, i have problem need someone help; i use speech recognition to voice control roborealm record Write avi and pla...
16 year 3 1636
Network Tables
Hi, I am trying to the Network Tables module but having issues on the receiving end. RoboRealm is s...
11 year 2 1636
I am attempting to use the Phidgets 8/8/8 I/O board to control several analogue input variables in RR.  When I start t...
12 year 3 1636
PhidgetServo not found
Hi, I am trying to connect the Phidget Advanced Servo 8-Motor controller to RoboRealm.
11 year 1 1636
Random Disconnects with Distributor Client
Hello, I have an old Roborealm code that worked correctly on Roborealm version 2.61....
10 year 2 1637
Outline Feature
Hi, I was looking to use Outline algo. But i am not sure diffrences between Edge detection and Outlining...how out...
16 year 3 1637
stripped down version of RR
I am looking for a similar program with nice Windows GUI like RoboRealm, but I only need the Imaging filters/functions, i don't...
14 year 3 1637
Hi, while using RR API of by any language like VC++ or java, i am getting following error-
16 year 2 1637
Joystick not enumerated?!?!
Can any one shed some light on why all of a sudden, my joystick is no longer enumerated in the drop down list of the "J...
16 year 7 1637
Number of output images
hi i am using RR for colour detection in a video and i am saving those images where a specific colo...
16 year 2 1637
controling Stepper motor drivers
First of all  RR is Great. I starting to Love this Software, it has so many possible applications.
14 year 2 1637
How to use the VPL GUI and RoboRealm?
I'm using Roborealm with MRDS. The tutorial page worked great and everything installed, but I can't find guidance/documentatio...
11 year 1 1638
Multiple if Statement
hi guys...im having problems using multiple if statement.. in my program, there are 3 blobs present...
13 year 3 1638
Imagenation PXC200A video capture card compatability?
Has anyone tried getting a Imagenation PXC200A video capture card to work with RoboRealm?  (http://www.imagenation.com...
13 year 3 1638
LOW fps
I weak in english.I use Creative webcam vista. When low light my camera has only 6.7 fps.How can i disable this feature.(slow sh...
16 year 2 1638
RoboRealm Crashes my Windows 7
I  recently downloaded the trial version of RoboRealm to my Windows 7 machine, however I have found that if I use the...
12 year 2 1638
Using RR to send vales on Serial Port
Hi, I am using the Image Tracker code to get a robot to follow certain colours. What I would like t...
15 year 2 1638
finding heighest white pixel on each x pixel column
Hi all, I've failed to figure this one out! What I am wanting to do i...
13 year 2 1638
Roborealm not recognizing multiple Playstation Eye cameras
Hello all, I'm trying to create a depth map with Roborealm using my two Playstation Eye cameras, b...
10 year 2 1639
How easily would the Leddar unit interface with roborealm?...
9 year 2 1639

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