Imagenation PXC200A video capture card compatability?
Steve Ciciora from United States  [2 posts]
13 year
Has anyone tried getting a Imagenation PXC200A video capture card to work with RoboRealm?  (http://www.imagenation.com/pxcfamily.html)

In general, what is required as an input device to work with RoboRealm?


- Steve
Anonymous 13 year

We'll try to contact the company and see if we can integrate their capture card with RoboRealm. They have a couple examples on their website so it does indeed seem possible. The question is if they have any interest in doing so.

Alternatively, if you happen to live in CO then we can probably use your card as a test case for that integration.

Steve Ciciora from United States  [2 posts] 13 year
Yup, I'm in Superior, near Boulder.  This card seems pretty nice for what I paid for it, but a bit outdated.  My machine is set up with video cameras and it would be difficult to retrofit with web cams.  Hence my desire to see if I can get this card working.  Contact me off list if/when you might be interested in trying this PCI card...

Thanks for your incredible support!

- Steven Ciciora

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