David from United States  [5 posts]
12 year
I am attempting to use the Phidgets 8/8/8 I/O board to control several analogue input variables in RR.  When I start the Phidgets module in RR it opens, and I can see the values change with activation of the sensor, however when I attempt to assign a variable to the value, RR crashes to desktop.  I have the latest Phidgets drivers installed (x64), and the Phidgets stand-alone software works fine. RR v2.42.34.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
David from United States  [5 posts] 12 year
RR does not crash when the 8/8/8 I/O board is disconnected and the Phidgets module is loaded.  It says "connected to N/A".  When the I/O board is plugged in is either says "connected to 0" or "connected to 544503909" at which point the module either becomes unresponsive or if I attempt to assign a variable to one of the analogue values, RR crashes.  I have a USB camera (PS3 eye) and Sabertooth (connected by a USB-to-TTL on COM3), however disconnecting them does not appear to make any difference.
David from United States  [5 posts] 12 year

Here are the highlights of the crash report, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

------------------------Crash Report------------------

Commercial Version 2.42.34
Date: Thu Feb 09 16:02:05
Process Id: 2152
Location Hint: Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Exception Address: 00000000
Physical Memory at 24% (3,174,752 Mbytes free, 4,192,916 Mbytes total)
Virtual Memory at 6% (1,968,000 Mbytes free, 2,097,024 Mbytes total)
Image Dimension: 640, 480


This is what happened when I added the interface kit module to the pipeline.

Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:31 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 Running Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (0, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 Done with Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 Running Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 Done with Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 Running Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:32 Done with Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit

And when I tried to assign a variable to one of the analogue inputs:

Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 Running Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 Done with Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 Running Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 Done with Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 VideoCaptureCallback::getFrame
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 bufferCB callback (-1, -1)
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 Running Phidgets_888_Interface_Kit
Fri Feb 10 09:51:37 bufferCB callback (0, -1)

------------------------Crash Report------------------

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