stripped down version of RR
Brian C from United States  [2 posts]
14 year
I am looking for a similar program with nice Windows GUI like RoboRealm, but I only need the Imaging filters/functions, i don't need any interfaces or logic modules- anyone know of anything like this out there?
Anonymous 14 year
Perhaps you can check our list of other image processing types of programs at


Brian C from United States  [2 posts] 14 year
I did check the list and have not been able to find one fully contained program that is windows based and has the same amount of camera support and filters built in-

Not a bad thing to be "stuck" with Roborealm, just seeing if there are any alternatives.

I am using the program for Astronomy- to capture low light security camera stream for real-time views of nebula, galaxies, etc.

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