5053 threads
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Problematic edge detection
Hi Steven, I notice when i use the sobel edge detection on an image of any object for example a rec...
12 year 2 1750
Object Recognition - Displaying objects
I have the Object Recognition module running with a bunch of trained images, and it is finding the matches OK. I want to replace...
10 year 3 1750
Creative WebCam Live!
Anybody have any experience in this camera?. i need a specifics variable like angles (pan And tilt) in degrees or radians. can r...
15 year 3 1751
incorrect RGB values
Hi, the status line displays incorrect RGB values for at least grayscale images. (e.g...
16 year 2 1751
moving function
Hi Steven A nag, I know.... I just realised what I did before that mad...
11 year 1 1752
Hi all, I am new to roborealm and I currently am having a problem connecting a kinect sensor into r...
11 year 2 1752
Playing with tracking
   I have had a hard time understanding the tutorials (not your fault, mine.) until I got to some Video tutorials. The...
13 year 1 1753
Robotix 2011: Where Machines Dare
Technology Robotix Society invites all robot enthusiasts to [b]ROBOTIX 2011[/b]([url]www.robotix.in[/url]). Robotix is Asia's l...
14 year 1 1754
Search for Matlab
Sir, I want to access a .robo file ( ie execute that file in roborealm) by just pushing a pushbutton in MATLAB GUI......
17 year 2 1754
Integration of RoboRealm DLL library
Hi! How can i integrate RoboRealm dll library in my c# project to decode datamatrix barcode. And wh...
9 year 2 1754
NXT quit
Hi, STeven I am trying to put a variable to control the NXT motor.  But RR shut i...
17 year 5 1754
Motor Encoder
Hi everybody, I have a question for you. I want to use a motor with an encoder on it. ...
15 year 2 1755
Installation Problem
Hello, We are trying to install the 30 day free trial on 64bit machines with Windows 7, but we are ...
11 year 2 1755
More resolutions in Mosaic
Thanks STeven for showing me the mosaic module earlier. It's definitely the best way to go to handle several cameras.
16 year 3 1756
saving versus opening
Just curious; When opening a file, one is presented with the directory list, as usual.
11 year 2 1757
Multiple clients connected to RoboRealm Server
I am running a remote client that is connecting to my robot. However, I now want to run a client locally in the robot machine to...
12 year 2 1757
Updated driver support request; We recently purchased a Phidgets 8/8/8 board. The driver for the bo...
6 year 1 1757
Help button in module shape matching not linked
should land here: http://www.roborealm.com...
10 year 1 1757
HELP Arduino 328 with build in microcontroller Path Planning
Hi, anyone I am currently using Arduino 328, Has just discovered this useful software Roborealm, I do not understand the logic h...
13 year 1 1758
Distribution Client check if connected?
I want to bypass a certain script if the distribution client isn't connected to the server. Is there a way I can check if the d...
11 year 2 1759

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