5052 threads
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Anyone know how I can do mapping of an enviroment by using a camera and roborealm? Any other ways of doing it? Please ex...
17 year 3 1748
How do I select the size of the rectangle I want to track? For example I want to lock on to the 3 point goal at close distance a...
12 year 4 1748
Bug in call module
Hi STeven, I think there is a bug in the call module. All the IF statements in the called tab gets ...
11 year 3 1749
Is there any chance of making the help available offline, eg. zip up the documentation as an additional download? ...
15 year 2 1749
Checkboard based calibration
  Its posible the automatic calibration of a camera based on the typical checkboard? &nbs...
13 year 1 1750
Line Following sensor
Hello, I want to use some line following sensors from Robotics Connection. The datasheet was at
11 year 2 1750
Hi Steven Are more fonts supported since 2.76.1 ? I see : Apr 04, 201...
3 year 2 1750
Python Debug Print
In the current Help page for the Python API, rr.Print is listed but does not seem to exist in Roborealm 2.49.10.  Just...
11 year 1 1751
Bug with this forum page!
I choose No thanks for the Donate for a quicker response.. and it says it's required..  I had to cheat and say Buy yo...
16 year 1 1751
human skin colour detection and tracking
hello, I want to make a robot that detects humans and track them(means it should detect the colour of human skin)... pls help me...
12 year 2 1752
Virtually remove fiducial from image
What would be the best approach for removing fiducials from the final image displayed.  We want to use the fiducial fo...
11 year 2 1752
do i have to put codes ...?
Hi Do I have to put cods to every function I want to do? For ex. I want to run motors to track move...
11 year 2 1752
Blob morphology
Hi STeven, I am trying to determine the circularity of transparent spheres. I can successfully use ...
11 year 0 1752
VB script help needed
Hello Steven Thanks a lot for your earlier help. I really appreciate that. Here what I made with your VB script he...
9 year 1 1752
Science Fair Help
Hello! For my science fair project this year, I am trying to fly a kite robotically. I am using the Visual Basic plugin inside r...
12 year 2 1753
OPC server
Can RR communicate through an OPC bridge ? A customer has a vision system using Ni Vision builder. ...
10 year 4 1753
Low Frame Rate on Playstation Eye
I use  The Code Laboratories Playstation Eye module to process my images but the frame rate is lower than what I can s...
10 year 2 1753
RoboRealm is not letting me activate a new install after I reinstalled windows7
Service request to reset my install. I did renew my license. It is the same old machine. windows7 with 5 core cpu...
12 year 2 1753
Distributor Client Cancel Bug
I'm using v2.50.31. In the "Distributor_Client" component, whenever the user clicks "cancel", it disconnects from the serve...
11 year 2 1754
image to clipboard
Hello roborealm, Is there a way to copy an image to the clipboard ,during robo running. If there is...
15 year 5 1754

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