5052 threads
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Interfacing Problem
Dear STeven, Thanks for your generous help. We've some urgent questions about Interfacing between...
12 year 1 1735
traffic light identification
hi i am currently working on a traffic light identification problem as part of my final year project.
17 year 2 1735
What if I'm selling my robotics product?
Hello. First of all, I'm very grateful for this piece of software. I used to own it when it was fr...
13 year 2 1736
RoboTurret module seems not to work.
I can't seem to get the RoboTurret module to interact with my new RoboTurret, although the Arduino module does work with it. For...
8 year 2 1737
Looking for help with vision
Hi, i posted that kind of question before but here i go again. I do exhibit-technique, machinery an...
14 year 1 1737
Robot Control
So i am building yet another bot i wanna interface to roborealm, looking on the net i found a controller called the ez b ref thi...
13 year 2 1737
Is RR compatible with Raspberry Pi ??...
10 year 2 1738
Webcam Recommendations?
I need a webcam that is pretty powerful, and was looking for recommendations. I was hoping for some...
10 year 2 1738
reloading file
How does one get RR to re-load itself,  as in a watchdog timer? Also, if I...
11 year 2 1739
FPS drops with multiple cameras housed within if tests modules
We have  three "if test" modules that are used to determine which of three web cameras to display (see attached imag...
10 year 2 1739
HTTP read refresh frequency ignored
Hi, I'm using RoboRealm and it seems the Refresh Frequency setting is ignored in t...
17 year 5 1741
Stepper motor.....help needed
My objective is to run a stepper motor....with its driver ic L298....to run the motor in step....the input to the stepper motor...
16 year 2 1741
Thank you.....Mr.Stevan. Could you please tell me what are the hardware and the software needed other than RoboRealm ?...
14 year 2 1741
Regarding Color Identification
I am new to Robo Realm and i am quite impressed with it. I need help in only identifying the red and green color(for traffic sig...
8 year 2 1742
marble maze
i have visit teletoyland web. i have no problem with mechanical part because all the instruction are given. But i cannot identif...
12 year 2 1743
How do I select the size of the rectangle I want to track? For example I want to lock on to the 3 point goal at close distance a...
12 year 4 1743
Image flicker using OpenNI Kinect camera
Hello, Having a bit of a problem. Using the example 'track red object' and selecting 'OpenNI Kine...
11 year 2 1743
I'm from Sweden where we use "," as decimal separator. I'm storing av float with setVariable in one vbscript. When I read i...
12 year 2 1743
Trial period expired
I downloaded the trial version and when I install it on my PC I get an error stating the trial version has expired. Please advis...
10 year 2 1744
Depth sensor to RR
Hi, I would like to know is it possible to interface a depth sensor  with RR? IF yes, how?
9 year 3 1744

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