5047 threads
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Color object tracking
Hi, I read the 'color object tracking' and I wonder if is it possible to read the coordinates from...
15 year 2 1639
Pose Reconstruction
Dear Sir, I am doing a project in VC++. I have a sequence of images which are scanned from video ta...
13 year 2 1639
How easily would the Leddar unit interface with roborealm?...
9 year 2 1639
Roborealm not recognizing multiple Playstation Eye cameras
Hello all, I'm trying to create a depth map with Roborealm using my two Playstation Eye cameras, b...
10 year 2 1639
Java Variables
Hello, I will start with a small introduction, my name is Dave and I am currently working on a project at HAN Univ...
15 year 2 1639
Blob Filtering:- Most Holes
I want to know that how actually the blob filter "Most Holes" counts the number of holes in the Blob? What is the background s...
12 year 2 1639
R/C speed control Joystick issue.
I am very new at this. I have an R/C Rock Crawler interfaced with an Arduino and an XBee to RR. The steering servo...
12 year 3 1639
mouse click problem
Hi everyone! I'm trying to make the mouse moving by following a light. And clicking the left button when...
16 year 3 1640
Finding the size of blob?
How to use the blob size module. I need to classify the blobs using size....
16 year 2 1640
Drawing a heat map
I need help. I'm trying to take temperature readings and generate a sort of heat map. Something like this:
10 year 3 1640
Serial Module
Hi, I am using the Object Tracker software that I downloaded from the site. I am getting up values...
15 year 2 1640
Galil interface
Greetings, do you have or plan to have an interface module for Galil? I am currently interfaceing with a c...
16 year 2 1640
How to detect communication error?
Hello I am using Read_HTTP module to read images from camera. Then I filter them and count blobs using Blob_Filter...
11 year 4 1640
Microphone from the webcam
Is there anyway to activate the microphone on the webcam and listen ? I am using a Philips spc100nc.
16 year 2 1641
I'm testing out Distributor_Client and Distributor_Host over a localhost, using LZW for the best speed, as I need Real-Time vid...
15 year 2 1641
dialog boxes
I have the same problem as previously reported.  When I open the Line Profile dialog box, I can only move it a few pix...
14 year 2 1641
Hi all, Has anyone made a script for the "Executive Mayhem USB Missile Launcher" I am trying to un...
13 year 4 1641
Irobot - a good approach for building a robot?
The irobot roomba or create seems to be a great platform for building a own robot. It has plenty of sensors and a build-in basal...
10 year 2 1641
Roomba internet control
Hi, I followed this tutorial: ...
12 year 3 1641
Problematic edge detection
Hi Steven, I notice when i use the sobel edge detection on an image of any object for example a rec...
11 year 2 1642

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