Roomba internet control
skullforger from Belgium  [2 posts]
13 year

I followed this tutorial:

When I open the link in my webbrowser, the page loads with the interface with the Roomba picture, and the videofeed works, but I cannot drive the Roomba. I tested it locally (localhost:8080)
However, the Irobot_Roomba module in RoboRealm works because I can drive it perfectly from there.

Can someone help me with this please?
Thanks in advance.
skullforger from Belgium  [2 posts] 13 year
I'm sorry guys, my bad.

It does work. I forgot to open the right .robo file first. I just opened the original Irobot_Roomba module and a camera module...
Anonymous 13 year
Hey, Skullforger.

    Have you been able to drive the robot in the Marker Mode, then have it go to Navigate and let it repeat where you have driven it?
    Also, have you been able to make a map and have it repeat it?

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