5050 threads
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Pixel's speed
How can I estimate the speed's motion of pixels from one image to another     (in pixel/second) ?...
16 year 3 1664
RR Screen is Black
hi, I use RR on my laptop (OS: XP SP3) with vista he has worked normaly jet i upgrad...
15 year 2 1664
Cropping and COG -  Line following
Hi there STeven, Me again :) I just wanted to point out that...
16 year 2 1665
Can't open any file
Hello, I am trying the RR version 2.10.8 in a Vista OS,  I can't open the examples or saved files. Coul...
15 year 5 1665
Painting with a lightsource
So I just came across this program tonight, and now I have many projects I want to design and pursue... but I have a question: <...
15 year 6 1665
School project
I am working on a university project where I am required to identify coins and dollar bills put under the camera. We basically w...
14 year 2 1665
Lynxmotion Robot Control
    I have a Lynxmotion 4WD rover controlled by there "BB2" microcontroller .I have set up a simple wirele...
12 year 2 1665
Hello, I've been working with the BoeBot for some time and would be interested in the wireless camera mod. I've read about the...
13 year 3 1665
line profile
hi, I want use line profile module. please explain me how to give coordinates values with variable. ( I don`t see option like in...
8 year 2 1666
Purchase licence
Hi, my administrator is asking about the licence and how it is distributed. i am going to assume that a personalised programme i...
11 year 2 1666
my favorite roborealm
I'm new to roborealm but its awesome and i'm more impressed the way it helps me in my project than opencv etc. But i'm having...
13 year 2 1666
input from camera
Hi, Is there a way to take input from the camera (via robotrealm) and perse it to my java program r...
14 year 3 1666
Robotix 2011: Where Machines Dare
Technology Robotix Society invites all robot enthusiasts to [b]ROBOTIX 2011[/b]([url]www.robotix.in[/url]). Robotix is Asia's l...
14 year 1 1666
Genius ilook 300 webcam not working with roborealm
Hi everyone, I recently bought a genius ilook 300 webcam to use for a robotics project with roborea...
11 year 2 1667
Using RR to send vales on Serial Port
Hi, I am using the Image Tracker code to get a robot to follow certain colours. What I would like t...
15 year 2 1667
Industrial Robot Serial Communication
Hello Steven, First of all, thank you for such a great piece of software. At our college we have a small industria...
10 year 1 1667
Hi All I have just noticed a small problem with RR and fiducials when i view a fiducial the x rotation varies abou...
14 year 4 1667
for Steven
Hey, Steven,      Here is a situation that I have run into. I have been trying...
13 year 3 1667
Outline Feature
Hi, I was looking to use Outline algo. But i am not sure diffrences between Edge detection and Outlining...how out...
16 year 3 1667
downloading to rcx crashes computer
everytime I try to download software to rcx the computer freezes up.  Using robolab 2.5.4 and windows vista, need help...
16 year 3 1667

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