R/C speed control Joystick issue.
Harold from United States  [2 posts]
12 year
I am very new at this.
I have an R/C Rock Crawler interfaced with an Arduino and an XBee to RR. The steering servo works great.  The only problem Im having is with the Saitek ST290 Pro joystick on the Y-Axis. (My throttle.) If i push forward on the joystick I get reverse. I need to reverse that. It is driven by the stock R/C Electronic Speedcontrol.
I reversed the motor wires and got the correct direction. the only problem was that the speed control thinks im trying reverse. So the first pushforward applies the brakes and the second makes it move forward.
In a pinch if i yank back on the joystick it would fly in reverse not the brakes i need.
Is there a simple solution?
I also found out the speedcontrol is not programmable.  :(

I already tried to finding the drivers for the joystick to reverse it's output.
No Luck.
Is there something else I can do?
I found the VBcode to change the output
Anonymous 12 year
What code are you using to scale the joystick to servo/esc signal? If you are using the Scale or Differential Modules they have a invert checkbox that you can use (your issue is very common).

Otherwise, you can change the VBScript to invert the signal. You do this by subtracting the max possible value from the value. Ie if your signals are from 500 to 2500 then use

current_value = 3000 - current_value

would invert it.

Harold from United States  [2 posts] 12 year
          After you pointed out the scale var. I removed my vbscript that modified my joystick (1000)
To servo 500 -2500 conversion. That worked great!!!!
Thanks for the help.   Also I'm very pleased with my software purchase.  

Thanks again,


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