How many IP cameras per session?
Jesús Gil Maqueda from Spain  [5 posts]
16 year

How many IP cameras can operate at once in one session of RR ?.
I would like to make a circuit of multiple observation.

Thank you.

Anonymous 16 year

There isn't a defined limit in RoboRealm but you will start to experiance bandwidth constraints in 802.11 (assuming that is the wireless protocol) after about 3 cameras. So you'd want to test if you can actually transmit that much information wirelessly. Or if you are using wired you should be able to get more than that running.

The mosaic module accepts up to 16 cameras ... that is a heuristic measure where we saw that at 16 cameras your usb bandwidth is also reduced to a crawl. So basically it is not RR that has the limit but more the hardware that you will be using.

If you do notice a limitation that RR has please let us know and we can probably update it to extend whatever that might be.


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