Anonymous 17 year

Ensure that all module GUI's are closed (this sometimes slows things down due to the GUI updates). Try disabling the Parallax_BoeBot module and see if the frame rate increases to something much higher. If it does then the speed of transmission to the BoeBot is what is slowing down the entire pipeline. RR does not start processing the next image until the BoeBot module has finished transmission.

Yes, there is way to send a variable to the BoeBot but this assumes that you will be modifying the program onboard the boebot to accept this variable. Is that assumption correct? Previous to the BoeBot module people where using the serial module to create a custom protocol to the boebot which worked.

If you are thinking of just extending the current BoeBot program that is provided with RR and just want to have a variable passed to that program we can make a custom modification to the BoeBot module to provide that. Otherwise you will have to bail on the BoeBot RR module and write something more custom with the Serial module. Let us know ...


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