Edimax IC-3030WN
Werner Marquardt from Germany  [3 posts]
12 year
I'm not able to display pictures from  the Edimax LAN camera in roborealm.
I use the read_http function, the string is:
"" (no password, no user)
When I use my browser and type the above line, it works perfectly.

The camera also has a feature "loginfree", it makes pictures available without any restrictions.
When I input this in the get_http function:
""  I get a picture, but only every 3 seconds.
Any thoughts?

Anonymous 12 year
Not sure but most vendors will do something a little different than others that may cause an issue.

Do you have the camera online that we can access and see what is being sent back? Or perhaps the same model from someone else that is online?

Werner Marquardt from Germany  [3 posts] 11 year
thanks for your reply.
It  took me a while to get the camera hooked up but here we go:


This works in my browser, Iphone etc. but not in Roborealm.
Maybe you can check it out?

Thanks a lot
Anonymous 11 year
Download the latest version and give the attached robofile a try.

Thanks for making that camera available. It makes upgrading modules much faster!

Werner Marquardt from Germany  [3 posts] 11 year

thanks for your quick work.
I just tried it and it seems to work perfectly!

But I have to go to bed now, it's late over here.
Will test again tomorrow!

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