several Roborealm instance
Zhiqiang Ye from China  [3 posts]
16 year
Hi, I want to use Roborealm to control several SRV-1B robots. But, I could only use one instance to control one robot at one time. So, is it possible to run several Roborealm instances to control different robots with different IP?
Anonymous 16 year
Yes, go to the Options button->Startup Tab and check the allow multiple instances. Now you can double click twice on RoboRealm.exe to load two instances.

I would, however, try adding in more than on SRV module into one instance ... as this will load correctly each time you restart instead of loading a different program into each RR instance. Was there something that prevented you from loading more than on SRV module into one instance?

Zhiqiang Ye from China  [3 posts] 16 year
I got the idea you mentioned after I submitted the post. But different robots will do their own image processing which has the same process, but with different color. So I don't think it is possible to finish this task by adding several SRV modules.


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