Roborealm API problem reading COG_X and COG_Y
robot guy from India  [3 posts]
15 year

I am using the roborealm API in VC++6.I am not able to read COG_X and COG_Y variables continuously or  even once using VC++.

Pseudo code:


I am not able to read and Print COG_X nor able to use it.Also the following way of using getVariable func is giving an error:

Please help me out.My project deadline is approaching.Thanks in advance.
Anonymous 15 year
Have you tried the main.cpp in the provided API.zip example? You appear to have some strange things going on in your code ... which should include an initial connection like:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char buffer[64];

    RR_API rr;

    rr.open("c:\\www\\RoboRealm\\bin\\RoboRealm.exe", 6060);

    if (!rr.connect("localhost", 6060))


        rr.getVariable("COG_X",buffer,64); // buffer contains results as a string

        // if you want an int then use int x = atoi(buffer);



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