Dual joysticks / gamepads supported?
16 year
I'm completely new here and looking at using RoboRealm as the control software for an underwater remotely operated vehicle I'm designing.  I'm sure I'll have other questions later, but one thing I didn't find in the documentation:  does the Joystick module support multiple joysticks and/or gamepads (which have dual analog joysticks)?

Anonymous 16 year
Nobody's tried this?
Anonymous 16 year
Yes, it should support more than one joystick at a time. If you try the Joystick module you will notice a dropdown that allows you to select which joystick you would like to use. Adding two of such modules should do the trick.

Have you tried this and had it not succeed?

Anonymous 16 year
Thanks Steven.  No, I haven't tried it yet, I'm still designing the ROV and trying to what software to use to control it.  Looks like RoboRealm will be it!  :)

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