5050 threads
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line profile
dear In my simple programe line profile values are not correct. string of all 255. the values where...
8 year 3 1649
8051 development board
Hi, anyone please tell me the cheaper price of 8051 development board from this site ...
8 year 1 1722
Missing "vcomp120.dll"
Now I'm getting a "Missing vcomp120.dll error" when I try to open RoboRealm on q new computer running Windows 10.  The...
8 year 3 2798
USB Port / RoboRealm Module
I’m  trying to figure out what RR module I should use to get my RR Blog Filter to communicate with my Phidget 1011 int...
8 year 7 2690
serial communoication
dear sir In my project I want to load an image from my serial port camera. I `m in great difficulty to get done my...
8 year 2 1675
Blob Recognition
Hello Steven, great software... I am trying to detect and count coke cans stacked together in images and draw a green border aro...
9 year 2 2433
Lego NXT module - where has it gone?
Hello STeven, The ball ejectors are in full service and now I'm on to a couple more projects for the Mill.
9 year 3 1689
openni2 module missing
I just downloaded the last update for my subscription and it is missing both Openni2 and OpenNI_kinect modules. <...
9 year 3 1654
openni filter
I would like to control the 'line' top and bottom values from my VB program. Are these variables available through the api?
9 year 1 1730
navigation by computer vision
am writing a simple vbscript for navigation of car by computer vision ie. image processing i want to send serial c...
9 year 27 5325
Image analysis for timer application
I was wondering if we could use this software to help assure the quality of raw bamboo that we export from Central America. Basi...
9 year 2 1747
hi. I`m new to roborealm. I want to draw a offset line to probed lines count variable (a line drawn to probed lines count variab...
9 year 4 2440
I want to create a new variable making mathematical manipulation to probed lines count variable. please kindly linform me. ...
9 year 2 2337
Faceless Function
Hi Steven ,   I found faceless function for hide roborealm, and using vb6 for conrol robo...
9 year 4 2264
Arduino Mega 2560 - Sparkfun
Hello, I've been following the tutorial for automatic gun turret. It have 2 servos for pan and tilt...
9 year 3 2484
I'm wondering if it would be possible to overlay the line graphic in the OPENNI module on the RGB  image rather than s...
9 year 3 1741
image after motion/movement stops
Hi I have a camera mounted above a production line,  the line moves roughly every 20- 30 ...
9 year 2 1815
hi, i think, i found a bug in blob_tracking module. firstly, please do...
9 year 2 3207
I am using VB 2015 .net.  I can talk to the API ok.  I'm trying to use GetCameraFormat and I can't get it to...
9 year 2 1828
Write images
Hi STeven Is there a simple way to initialise the saved image number in 'write images'?
9 year 2 2259

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