5053 threads
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Area of Multiple Blobs
Hi there, Thanks for the great program you have created! I really appreciate the effort put into it. I would like ...
9 year 6 2703
WaitVariable - how to use it
I wrote an application in Delphi. Application utilize Robo-Realm (see attached RRTest.Pas procedure) to analyze image (Temporary...
9 year 15 7637
.robo file it loads tabs but doesn't load their contents
Dear STeven. I in a script use tabs. When I open .robo file it loads tabs but doesn't load their co...
9 year 3 1983
hardware lab
program to do serial communication using usart how to transfer data from kit to pc may i have mnemon...
9 year 2 3407
Virtual camera shows only Roborealm logo
I'm trying to use the RR Virtual cameras. After installing the drivers, I tried to display an image through the Vcam to test it....
9 year 12 2663
Changes in the image
Dear STeven, I have two photos. 1.jpg - an empty table. 2.jpg - a table with a plate. As to me to f...
9 year 3 2369
RR - execution flow
I've made a very simple robo file. It sets some variables and write variables content to file. It runs just one cycle. At the en...
9 year 1 1791
roborealm and arduino
I have connected my arduino mega with roborealm and it suppose to control servo but it received information from roborealm but m...
9 year 2 2834
GenICam XML Parse error
I'm using a 30 day trial of RR 2.76.3. I've installed the GenICam module but I'm having an error when it goes to grab frames fro...
9 year 5 5449
Not saving "source" image from C#
I have the following line of code in my program: rr.SaveImage("Source", "c:\\temp\\testSource.jpg")...
9 year 3 1847
Write to EXIF
Is it possible to write data from the GPS module to the EXIF file of an image being processed?...
9 year 2 2689
detect white  color?
How to detect white color using RGB filter? ...
9 year 3 3251
Hi STeven Is it possible to have two new system variables? I display t...
9 year 3 2000
Will in the version 2.76.0,the module of HSV_Channel is the same as HLS_Channel , beside the title....
9 year 4 2636
Hi, I want to make my robot move with the lynxmotion sequencer, but when I click on the buttons, no...
9 year 6 2375
using C# and Roborealm
Hello all, I am trying to put together a c# program that only needs to receive a bit...
9 year 2 1895
AVM navigator and APM 2.5
Hi, I have read through some posts and learnt that we can interface APM 2.5 with roborealm. I have few doubts:
9 year 5 2739
Depth sensor to RR
Hi, I would like to know is it possible to interface a depth sensor  with RR? IF yes, how?
9 year 3 1767
Laser scanner
I am embarking on a project which will require reactive navigation.   I have acquired a long range LIDAR hokuyu(sp?), ...
9 year 3 2056
Suitability question
We currently make the speedo and tacho dials for cars. We're looking to put in some kind of vision...
9 year 2 1742

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