gps devices
hemant from India  [15 posts]
9 year
hi steven ..
i wanted to know the gps devices which would be highly compatible wid the gps module in RR .
do u have any idea about integrating a gps device of " ublox " with gps module of RR ? ?
thank you
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Typically any GPS device that supports NMEA format should work ... but that's a *should* work since some decide to change things a bit.

Assuming ublox doesn't work, you'd have two options:

1. Record the GPS data stream using software that came with it and send us this data stream so we can check to see what's off.


2. Send us the device (considering you are in India that can be quite expensive)


3. Setup a Teamviewer or such session where we can login and test.


hemant from India  [15 posts] 9 year
i have connected the sim28m gps module whic is nmea based to the laptop.
and when i see in RR gps reader module , i have selected the comm port and the baud rate as 4800.
but its not showing any gps data in the other field.
please help me as to how to check if the gps module is compatible with RR and how to check if its sending any data .
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Click on the Console button next to the buad rate settings, wait for the text to appear for a couple lines and then paste that text here. There is probably a formatting issue or a new/unknown command that is being used that the GPS module does not understand.

hemant from India  [15 posts] 8 year
there isnt any text appearing after i click the console button.
i have attached an image of the same.
please help.


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 8 year
Are you sure the device is connect to COM3? Standard Modem over Bluetooth doesn't seem like the right connection since you have a physical cable. I think you have the wrong COM port selected.

hemant from India  [15 posts] 8 year
i downloaded the drivers and the checked.
it shows the change in com port.
but still there is no text when i press console port.
pls take a look

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 8 year
Is the baud rate set correctly? 115K seems fast, they are normally around 9600 ... but check your device specs.

Also, if you press the Prt-Scr button (or Alt-Prt Scr for just a specific window) and then paste into Paint or some other bitmap editor you can take a nice clean screenshot that you can post here ... too much glare on a photo of the screen. Taking the time to figure out how to take good screenshots is a useful task! :-)



hemant from India  [15 posts] 8 year
we did it ! we are able to get the gps coordinates in gps reader module using sim28m gps receiver module .
now the main part of making the car learn a route by giving it waypoints is left .
any suggestions from your side ?
thank you
Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

You may find a lot of information surrounding this with respect to the Sparkfun AVC competition. Sparkfun is a Colorado company that supplies many of the types of devices that you use to do these kinds of things and sponsors a yearly competition where smaller (RC type cars) drive around the course mainly using GPS. There are quite a few folks that have done this very successfully and worth taking a look at their solutions:


Searching on the web for folks that have entered into this competition to find out how they accomplished the task. Best to learn from those that have already accomplished something similar.


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