openni2 module missing
Dave Everett from Australia  [18 posts]
9 year
I just downloaded the last update for my subscription and it is missing both Openni2 and OpenNI_kinect modules.

I get an empty alert box when I open my current filter set.


Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year

Its been corrected in later versions but the empty popup message typically indicated missing DLLs. Did you download the drivers listed on


Note, OpenNI essentially stopped as an organization a couple months ago (unfortunately) but are being supported by http://structure.io/openni so the support may or may not be available for that module going forward. Unfortunately, the support for these devices right now is a bit fragmented so be prepared to jump through some hoops to get things to work.

Dave Everett from Australia  [18 posts] 9 year
Thanks Steve,

I have been using them for the last few months in my old version of roborealm, so I thought they would remain. I have not unloaded the drivers.

I can check on the robot tomorrow, but all I did was download and run the last available version of RoboRealm for my subscription.

I was going to update but it will only allow me to upgrade ALL my subscriptions. One was a gift to a friend and the other I no longer use now roborealm is running on my robot. I'd be happy to upgrade, but I only want to upgrade one.

Yes, sad news about openni. It should run for awhile as I don't need to upgrade the PC or anything else on this current robot.

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