5053 threads
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Receiving data from LEDs
Just trying out RR, and I have a newbie question. With swarm robots, people often blink LEDs on top of the robots to send data t...
8 year 2 2222
Image Matching variable not working
Dear Sir, I am M.Sc student of Cranfield University, UK trying algorithms using ROBOREALM in SRV. R...
8 year 4 2030
VB Program help
Dear Stevens, Thank you very much for your help on IF_Statement module and call function module. I ...
8 year 2 2979
Neato Lidar module - functional? data format?
I am attempting to use the Neato lidar module. I do not have the GetSurreal controller but I ported the GetSurreal...
8 year 4 2329
how to detect knurling defects
Hi, I came across this awesome software and I'd like to master it. But there are so many functions that I am a bi...
8 year 5 3640
GigE Point Grey Blackfly in external trigger mode
Hi Steven, I'm having trouble with GigE  Ptgrey BFLY-PGE-50S5M camera. I w...
8 year 2 4062
NewPipeline() and the API
Hi, I am building a C# application using the RoboRealm API and have been encountering issues with c...
8 year 2 1755
JScript GetArrayVariable()
I try to get the confidence array form the fiducials data in a JScript with the GetArrayVariable() function
8 year 2 2314
Why roborealm not processing one row of pixels of image?
I used both interlaced as well as deinterlaced image and then cropped the image to full length (640) and one row of height(1). T...
8 year 2 1751
Setting array variable problem
Have a problem with SetArrayVariable ... sometimes it works but in this example it appears it does not work - here is a code sni...
8 year 2 1872
Phidget servo control
I have this error "unable to connect to phidget" when i try to use the phidget module in RR. I have windows 10 pro...
8 year 8 2702
Point Cloud From Ring Laser
Hi all, We need to analyse a video, or still image and pull the point cloud data from a ring laser...
8 year 2 2548
Plastic tube image matching
Hello. I want to make a vision system in order to handle cylindrical image matching for printed  plastic...
8 year 4 2014
Failing to set image/get variables
Hi, I'm finding some functionality is inconsistent and I was wondering if I would be able to get so...
8 year 2 1906
Micro Maestro USB Servo Controller
I have a Micro Maestro 6 channel USB Servo Controller and added the Pololu module into my project but when I open the module is ...
8 year 4 1816
Will IR LEDs help with image contrast?
I have a general question about lighting.  It seems that lighting considerations are close to the top of the list when...
8 year 2 1805
Issues with processing duration and misc questions
Question 1: [image1] vs [image2] These tim...
8 year 3 2170
Can't change image format
Hello, I am using DFK ECU010-M12 camera. In the camera property, options are given either MJPG or Y...
8 year 8 2086
OSC from script
Hi fellow roborealists, I am trying to send fiducial data over OSC. I already have the data I need ...
8 year 2 2780
Shape finding
Hi to all, I never wrote here, but I need a little help with your program. I send to ...
8 year 4 2027

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