5053 threads
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Roborealm on Raspberry PI
Will Roborealm run on a Raspberry PI 2 if the RP2 is running Windows 10 IOT edition?...
9 year 2 2855
Servo AX dynamixel is not moving
Hi Steven, Currently, I have problem in connecting AX 12 Dynamixel servo. The servo is being recog...
9 year 2 2693
Isolating Targets
Hello again, I have a .robo file similar to the tutorials for targeting and tracking and have attac...
9 year 5 2422
Hi STeve - How can I change the active tab from VB.net?...
9 year 4 2754
Laser 3D scanner for crop using RR
Hello there Do we have any module which allow me to to create a map of crop field with XY and Z axis? I want to us...
9 year 2 2916
Barcode reader
i don't find the Modul Barcode Reader in my installed roborealm. What can I do ? Where can I find it and how can I...
9 year 2 2582
How to make this, please help
Hi everyone. I´m looking for the best, fastest way to achieve this. I ...
9 year 4 2680
AVM Navigator
Hello, i wonder if AVM Navigator is no more being updated. This plugin would be the main reason for me to use RR...
9 year 3 2886
Image Matching
I'm running the commercial version 2.79.18 and am working with image matching. There is a check box...
9 year 2 1886
Image Compare
Steven, I thought Image Matching was going to work for me - but it does not.  I was tryin...
9 year 2 2851
REgarding camera resoltuion
Sir, i am working on a project of autonomous rc car and i am using image processing for it.but on my screen i am getting a resol...
9 year 2 1864
Regarding Color Identification
I am new to Robo Realm and i am quite impressed with it. I need help in only identifying the red and green color(for traffic sig...
9 year 2 1783
Applying Green Fileter
Hello, We are trying to apply a Green Filter. After we change the pixels we don't see that reflected in the image....
9 year 2 2697
How do I tell Roborealm the path to Python Modules?
Hello! To aid in debugging our code for this year's challenge I was hoping to write variables to an...
9 year 5 2929
Reload image
It seems Reload on file change option in Load image module does not work in version 2.80.20. Sergey...
9 year 2 2774
Tracking people by clothing
Am experimenting with tracking people by clothing. This seems fairly simple if the person is wearing something with solid bright...
9 year 3 3859
Distance and Angle Measurements
We are trying to figure out the best way to measure the distance from the camera to the object being inspected, as well as the p...
9 year 2 2725
Targeting system
I have a target that I need to have my robot shoot a ball into. The target has a U shape of retro-reflective tape under it. I wa...
9 year 4 2842
Trying to quantify weeds out of field crop
Hello there I am trying to quantify weed population  in field. First image is raw image and second one i...
9 year 2 3455
Blob_Inspection Module RoboRealm
Hello, For my project, I am trying to figure use parking spaces as my blobs to inspect on whether parking spaces a...
9 year 4 3338

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