5053 threads
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Servo controller
Hi, We where wondering if instead of using a parallax server controler as we cannot find where to ...
8 year 2 2280
Image Comparison
Hello, I have a folder containing 42 different templates, and another folder with 42 images in the same order and...
8 year 6 3108
TRansfered sequence to mini-maestro 24
Hi good people: I just finished making an automated synthesis box using MM-24 channels. I transferr...
8 year 2 1879
Dll error when trying to run the VB script program
Whenever I tried to use the  VBscript program I get an error stating that I have to place the ScriptSite_64.dll in Sys...
8 year 2 2951
OpenNI2 and RoboRealm not playing well together
Good afternoon, Looking to use the Kinect with Roborealm. Followed all the directions here ...
8 year 4 2483
VB script
Hallo I am trying te make a script to scroll through the object. I have 7 objects, but i can not ch...
8 year 3 1920
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi!
Hi all, Just to share, I managed to run RoboRealm on the Raspberry Pi 3 using Exagear and Wine. <...
8 year 7 3677
Run without GUI
Hello, I have created a .robo program, but now I want to run the program without the GUI open, I thought I would ...
8 year 6 2363
Vb script to determine ball in region
I need help to determine ball position in 4 quadrant, which is quadrant 1 to quadrant 4 by using the line as  i attach...
8 year 2 2480
Load Module
I want to capture image from webcam and write it in a folder and then load the same image onto the RR interface. Images are capt...
8 year 2 2108
VB Script
I want to process an image and display the result as pass or fail depending on the area of blob remains. I have problem with VB ...
8 year 4 2289
Shape recognition Giving spurious results
It's been a while since I first started experimenting with RR. Now I'm back at it to create a working application,...
8 year 3 2273
Write new AVI with each movement
I've managed  to set up roborealm to write to AVI when movement is detected. Now I'm trying to have a new AVI video cr...
8 year 2 2832
v 2.80.50
I just upgraded to v 2.80.50 and RR is not interfacing with (recognizing) camera. All was perfect before upgrade. Suggestions? ...
8 year 2 1875
Using Variable in Load Image Module?
Hello, I am trying to have my Program Read in variables from a text file that are image file paths...
8 year 3 2392
AVM Navigator
Hi Stephen. I have installed AVM navigator to a windows 8 64 bit computer. I have verified that all files are there and where th...
8 year 2 2355
numbers vs strings
I am trying to control motors with a microbasic ARC32. The problem is when I send wheel speed info over serial, RR sends strings...
8 year 3 3220
Robot tracking Robot
Hey guys, This past year I built an outdoor robot that follows a buried wire around the property. I...
8 year 4 2855
Matching Confidence Level
I'm new to RoboRealm, and I'm trying to use it to match parts from what would be a database of images, but the accuracy level is...
8 year 2 2445
Egg counting
Hi, how can we count the chicken eggs on a moving conveyor as attached in the video screenshot? Thanks...
8 year 2 2245

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