Blob Recognition
Saby from Australia  [1 posts]
9 year
Hello Steven, great software... I am trying to detect and count coke cans stacked together in images and draw a green border around each can, with a total count displayed using the blob recognition object. To test this, I used a picture of  single can (see attached) to produce the -raw and -mask files, then loaded the original picture and applied the Blob Recognition method. It works only once (and I have to press the train button to train it everytime) - the confidence level is displayed. In one case, I could get it to display the border, but that works intermittently.  
However, if i duplicate the can in the image, it fails to detect even one of the cans. Pls see attached.
Thanks for your help - you're doing a great service to those who want to learn CV.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year

Thanks for the images. We found a couple GUI issues in that module and have fixed those. If you download the latest version that should fix the two can issue.

*However*, I would not recommend the Blob_Recognition module as being the ideal one to recognize a code can. The module is really meant to be used when many training (100s) examples are available and a form of object classification is needed. This module was originally used to classify cells into one group or another which has very consistent lighting, size and many training examples where the objects are non-uniform.

In your case, I would instead look at the Object Recognition module which is used more for few training examples to identify an object with stable inner texture (i.e. a code can label is exactly the same as another coke can label!). That module is also used in environments where the object cannot easily be segmented from the background which the Blob Recognition module assumes (i.e. cells against a slide background are easy to segment).

Attached is the robofile and result of your two can issue in case you are just experimenting with the module for a different purpose.




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